Thursday 7 June 2007

Game Concepts - Accommodation

An early concept for the game was that of accommodation - I think Gaz just likes pictures of card-board boxes because we had no real use for the funtion that early on. After a bit of discussion over lunch (and English 'revision') we came to a decision as to what it can do.

It's not the size that counts
I'm sorry to say it is in the world of industry - the bigger, better and more expensive your 'accommodation' is, the more industries you can own. You may start with a barn house, for example, in which case a logical choice would be a farm or other raw material based industry. The downside to this is that you can only support a single 'factory' or 'industry'. You can work your way up to something like a mansion, or private island or something as or more extravagant - at this stage you can own an infinite number of industries, providing you can afford it (see Game Concepts - Factories/Industries).

A status symbol
The accommodation would also add a status symbol to the game, allowing players to quickly judge each other and therefore their trading partners. This is a purely aesthetic value and serves no other game function.

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